La Loma, April 21, 2023

Drummond Ltd. organized informational meetings to share the results of the Environmental Management Plan in 2022 for its mining and port projects. It invited the community, local authorities, industry associations, institutions, schools, and the media in the different towns in the area of influence of its mining in Cesar – Agustin Codazzi, Becerril, La Jagua de Ibirico, La Loma, and Chiriguana – and in the area of influence of the port in Magdalena – Santa Marta and Cienaga.
“The specific objective of the meeting was to share the main achievements in the areas of water quality, air quality, solid waste management, forestry management, plant and wildlife management, compensation and replanting, along with other work in the framework of our environmental licenses,” explained Juan Carlos Pineda, lead supervisor of regulatory affairs in the Environmental Department at Drummond Ltd.
The meetings began with information about the environmental component. John Encinales, environmental project engineer at Puerto Drummond emphasized, “the EMP is the instrument authorized by the environmental authority to do the monitoring that allows us to prevent, mitigate, and correct any impacts that may occur as a result of the normal development of port activities. We explain to the people who come to these meetings what we are doing and how we are following-up or monitoring the results of this work. These are really very important arenas for providing information and also for hearing any doubts, questions, or even suggestions people may have with respect to these control measures.”
The Corporate Social Responsibility and Community Relations areas then shared information about the projects and programs developed in favor of the well-being of the communities in the areas of influence. They highlighted college scholarships, contributions to school infrastructure, social programs, road improvements, and a business incubator. They also explained the system for attention to the public, which facilitates relations with the company’s different stakeholders.
Information was also shared on topics of interest such as jobs and local hiring, support for local communities through development projects for traditional vocations, the port operation’s disaster risk management plan (PGRD in Spanish), and the results of the environmental follow-up studies on the contingency with barge TS115 in the year 2013 (this latter topic was shared at the Port with support and participation from the Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano).
“Drummond’s plan for us fishermen has been excellent. I like the policy it has always had… The way they look around and strengthen all the air and land routes, how they take care of the environment, and the fact that they’re concerned about the entire area where they operate or where they might cause any kind of impact,” explained Miguel Marquez, member of the Asociacion de Pescadores Camaroneros Orilleros in Cienaga, Magdalena, who attended the meetings.
Figures were also provided on employability at the meetings, along with the importance of policies and requirements for successful hiring at the company. They spotlighted the training provided in projects such as ‘In House’ and ‘Professionals in Training,’ which have contributed to the professional and personal development of beneficiaries, helping them improve their quality of life.
“We are quite satisfied with the way Drummond has shared information about its EMP and everything that is happening in the mining corridor, and also with the programs for training and hiring that we have been able to take advantage of in Agustin Codazzi,” said Breilys Velasquez, head of human resources at the Office of the Mayor in Agustin Codazzi.
The meetings organized in the mining areas were combined with a fair, where the communities were able to interact with Environmental Department staff and contractors in charge of monitoring air and water quality and plants and wildlife in the forest. There were also stands for the different departments of Drummond Ltd., such as Community Relations, Human Resources, and Social Responsibility. A variety of local companies also participated that have been part of the program to strengthen local suppliers who offer their products to the mining company.
“I think these meetings to share information are very important for all the companies and people in Becerril, so we can know and understand that Drummond is one of the companies that is committed to human rights and community relations, and it always has been. I’ve been working about 15 years with Drummond Ltd. on community issues and we have seen that they have always been interested in having us learn about their policies and processes, maintaining a good relationship,” pointed out Pedro Parra, delegate from the Community Association in Becerril.
The Materials Department, at both sites, shared information about contractors and the financial distribution of resources and their administration, highlighting the importance of contracting people and companies from the area of influence in order to benefit the local economy.
At the end of each meeting, time was set aside for Drummond employees to answer questions and address community concerns regarding support for social projects, environmental procedures, hiring, and other issues.