La Loma, March 10 of 2023

Within the framework of International Women’s Day, Drummond Energy Inc., Drummond Ltd., La Jagua de Ibirico’s Mayor’s Office, Sena Emprende Rural, and Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina organized a conference regarding the “Importance rural women’s leadership in the development of sustainable communities and in the adaption to climate change”, in the municipality of La Jagua de Ibirico.
“The objective of this important event, in a day like today, was to recognize the importance of the fundamental role that rural women occupy, as the backbone of the communities. In addition, it opens a space for articulated work with the different players within the territory, to work and make the effort to organize and create actions that mitigate and help with the adaptation to climate change. From this moment we have to start preparing the communities for the challenges climate change is going to bring and to empower rural women in the these processes”, highlighted Vanessa Villalobos, environmental supervisor for Drummond Energy.
María Ester Meneses, community leader for the village of Los Cerrajones din the municipality of Chiriguaná; Marisol Quintero, leading entrepreneur and general manager for the Fundación de Trabajadores de Boquerón, Fundeboquerón, in the township of La Loma; Eufrosina Vega, afro-descendent leader and legal representative for the José Altamar Muñoz Community Council in the township of La Loma; Vanessa Villalobos, environmental supervisor for Drummond Energy, and José Rafael Unda, Masters in Human Rights and democratization, were the speakers at the talk, which was moderated by Jackeline González, promoter for SENA Emprende Rural.
“In my opinion, these spaces are important because through them the needs of each community are known, and this can lead to contributing to their development. Something that is not known, or a need that is hidden cannot be solved”, detailed María Ester Meneses, one of the speakers.
During the talk, there was a space for attendees to share experiences and concepts related to the aspect being developed.
“These events are extremely important because the empowerment and importance that rural women have in our communities becomes known. Each one of the interventions by the speakers were assertive and extremely important to contribute to the improvement and development of our economy”, said Elis Cortés, one of the attendees.
Drummond Ltd. and Drummond Energy Inc., aligned with the Organizational Development Objective of the United Nations 5, will continue to contribute to the goal of achieving gender equality and empower all women and girls.