La Loma, February 23, 2023

As part of its commitment to contribute to growth and development in its areas of influence, Drummond Ltd. has provided support for the road improvement project in El Copey, Cesar, in joint work with the municipal Mayor and the community.
The mining company donated 200,423,998 Colombian pesos for the purchase and delivery of construction materials – 5,720 cement bags and 1,800 units of rebar – for the work to build 2,000 linear meters of rigid pavement in urban sections of municipal roads. The office of the Mayor donated the stone material and machinery.
“The objective of this social impact initiative is to reduce the number of traffic accidents, improve road connections, reduce the operating cost for vehicles, and enhance the quality of life of the local population,” indicated Yilda Tatiana Pineda, senior supervisor of community relations at Drummond Ltd.
The 2,000-linear meter section of the project is making satisfactory progress.
Francisco Meza, Mayor of El Copey, said that reaching a consensus on this project and putting it in motion has helped maximize resources, representing a significant advance in the improvement of municipal roads.
“This crucial support provided by the company Drummond Ltd. to El Copey has made a vast improvement in connecting the roads to substandard neighborhoods and enabling the emergency response by police and ambulances, while minimizing respiratory illness in the community. Behind us are the rocks, the dust, and the potholes that produced traffic accidents on a daily basis in the rainy season,” emphasized the Mayor.
The beneficiary population also has participated in this project, thanks to the community cooperation agreement, by offering their labor. The municipal secretary of works supervises them as they learn during the construction process.
Drummond Ltd. will continue making contributions that have a positive impact in its area of influence through its Community and Institutional Strengthening program in alignment with its Corporate Social Responsibility strategy.