Drummond Ltd. donates agricultural supplies and tools to local farmers in Cesar

La Loma, July 21, 2022

Participants in the Local Producer Development Project

With the goal of strengthening the productive units of farmers and increasing their income, Drummond Ltd. donated agricultural supplies and tools to local producers in the municipalities of La Jagua de Ibirico, Chiriguana and El Paso, in the Department of Cesar. The Secretary of Agriculture of La Jagua de Ibirico, Laura Trujillo Sierra, and a representative of the company Vital, operator of the Local Producer Development project, attended the ceremony to hand over the donation.

“As part of Drummond Ltd.’s corporate social responsibility strategy, we gave local farmers a set of supplies, tools, and other agricultural assets to strengthen their land and optimize their productive units,” said Amali Blanco, corporate social responsibility coordinator at Drummond Ltd.

These deliveries were made in the framework of the Local Producer Development project, a model for food supply implemented starting in August 2019. So far through the project, more than 443 tons of food have been purchased from 210 farmers, generating income of close to 719 million pesos in direct payments.

This project makes a contribution to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals two and eight, investing in rural areas to improve and even double farm production, ensuring the sustainability of the food production system, applying agricultural processes to increase productivity, and promoting development policies that support this type of productive activity.

“We are grateful to Drummond because it has facilitated access to these tools. The Company buys products from us through Vital, and this is a huge help in sustaining us farmers. And then we can give other people jobs,” said Ilber Becerra, one of the farmers benefiting from the project.

Drummond Ltd. will continue to follow through on its social responsibility strategy, aiming its actions at regional productive development. The projects under this line of action are vital to the sustainability and viability of the business, because the company is called to be an agent in favor of dynamism and a strategic partner in the region, leading in a socioeconomic transition that will give us a future beyond mining.