In 2021, Drummond will have awarded 167 college scholarships to young people in its area of influence

Cienaga, February 11th, 2021

*So far, 59 scholarship students have completed their college degrees. This year, an additional 17 high school graduates will join Drummond’s Scholarship Program 2021. This year 17 high school graduates will join the 2021 Drummond Scholarship Program.

As part of its community outreach and social responsibility, and built on the Comprehensive Development pillar that targets the Sustainable Development Goal of quality education, this year Drummond Ltd. gave out 17 new scholarships to outstanding high school graduates in Cesar and Magdalena. Since 2006, this program has promoted educational development by supporting personal and professional growth in the areas of influence of the projects led by the company in the two Departments.

Even in the midst of the crisis with the pandemic and despite the low price of coal on the international market, the company continues to move ahead with its social programs, with adaptations to meet health and biosafety protocols.

For that reason, this Friday, February 12, the new members of the Drummond 2021 Scholarship Program will be announced in a virtual event. The event will be held using the Webex platform at 10:00 a.m. to announce the scholarship winners in Magdalena, and at 3:00 p.m. to announce the scholarship winners in the Department of Cesar.

The Program requirements for selecting the new students include academic excellence during high school (50%), ICFES standardized test results higher than 250 (40%), and the parents’ income (10%). These three percentages add up to 100% of the possible points assessed for granting the scholarship. As part of the Program, Drummond funds the complete course of study chosen by each participant, plus a monthly stipend for costs, currently in the amount of 1,080,000 pesos.

With this, Drummond once again recognizes the importance of education as a model for transforming the country’s young people, as every year it gladly undertakes this social initiative in Colombia to promote the progress of the communities located in the municipalities where the mining, railroad, and port operations take place.