Response to Human Rights Accusations

Bogotá, December 17, 2020

Regarding the information that the media published about an accusation by the Attorney General’s Office against two of its executives, Drummond Ltd. is emphatic in stating:

  • Drummond Ltd. and its executives do not have, nor have they ever had any ties with illegal organizations, regardless of their origin.
  • Regarding the accusations against the company and some of its executives in relation to alleged human rights violations, neither the company nor its executives had anything to do with these allegations and have always collaborated with the Colombian authorities in their investigations.
  • Drummond has won every single case filed against it. In those instances, it was established that several witnesses who testified against the company received financial compensation for their testimony. This led a federal judge in the United States to find probable cause that Terry Collingsworth, the attorney who filed the lawsuits against Drummond, participated in the bribery and perjury of witnesses.
  • The same evidence confirms the inexistence of responsibility of those allegedly linked, since the prosecution witnesses failed to be truthful in their testimonies in exchange for financial remuneration.
  • Drummond Ltd. and its executives will continue to cooperate fully with the authorities, as they have done in the past.
  • Since the beginning of its operations in Colombia, at the end of the 80s, the company has adhered to the laws that govern the country, and has adopted the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights, as well as the Guiding Principles on the United Nations on Human Rights and Business.
  • Reiteramos que Drummond Ltd. y sus ejecutivos no tienen ni han tenido vínculo alguno con organizaciones al margen de la ley.