The fight against COVID-19 needs everyone’s responsibility and commitment

We want to insist to all our workers that the only way to support each other responsibly, to get ahead in this health emergency, is to assume self-care as a responsibility with families, our communities and ourselves. Isolated cases of people who have not complied with biosecurity and public order measures should not overshadow the great effort and commitment shown by the vast majority of our employees.

At Drummond Ltd. we strongly reject any behavior that is not consistent with the reality facing the country, and with the citizens’ obligation to follow all the measures adopted by the national, departmental and municipal authorities. We know that if we take care of ourselves, we save lives and contribute to a faster economic reactivation, for the benefit of all Colombians.

Although we have developed a didactic strategy with our internal and external audiences on the importance of strictly following biosecurity measures, through different content and communication channels, we have also been forced to impose drastic sanctions on those who fail to comply with the protocols established by the National Government and by the Company.

Likewise, we have reminded all of our workers and contractors that, according to Decree No. 636 of May 6 of the current year, all the prevention measures promulgated by the municipal authorities, such as curfews, are also of compulsory compliance, as its non-compliance leads to the imposition of fines and criminal sanctions established by the same local leaders.

“What we expect from our employees is exceptional behavior, responsible and consistent with the gravity of the situation we live in. As citizens, our workers must be an example of behavior because, in turn, they are ambassadors of our Company’s values, including those places where they reside or rest”, said the president of Drummond Ltd., José Miguel Linares.

Finally, so that our communities and other interest groups can consult all the information on our management of the emergency, we have created the microsite Likewise, we enabled cellular line 318-5712440 for the sending of WhatsApp messages and the email, through which we provide attention and information about our response to the contagion.

Acerca de Drummond Ltd.:

* Drummond Ltd. y su Política de Seguridad, Salud en el Trabajo y Ambiente: Es política de Drummond Ltd. (DLTD) conducir sus operaciones de exploración, extracción y transporte de carbón de manera responsable, manteniendo el sistema integrado de gestión, orientado a proporcionar condiciones de trabajo seguras y saludables, proteger y conservar el ambiente.

La seguridad industrial es nuestro estilo de vida que guía todo lo que hacemos, protegiendo a quienes nos rodean; a nuestro entorno, recursos y a nosotros mismos.

Pablo Urrutia – Cel 3187357445, Tel (1) 587 1000 Ext. 5809
Margarita Saade – Cel 3163124180, Tel (5) 5719300 Ext. 8581
Wilma Calderón – Cel 3102876085, Tel (1) 6115014

Síguenos en Twitter @DrummondLtdCo, en Instagram como @drummondltdco y en YouTube como DrummondLtdCo.

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