Bettercoal highlights Drummond Ltd.’s responsible and sustainable performance in its 2019 evaluation report

Bogota, May 9, 2019

Bettercoal highlights Drummond Ltd.’s responsible and sustainable performance in its 2019 evaluation report

  • Colombian coal and its value chain are becoming increasingly reliable around the world
  • The company has developed management systems and specific policies to improve its performance indicators

Bettercoal, an independent initiative created in 2013 to promote responsible and sustainable practices in the global coal supply chain, has just published the report on its evaluation of Drummond Ltd., highlighting its commitment to continuous improvement in its operations. Every year, Bettercoal evaluates more than 15 mining companies around the world based on a code with 10 principles that include aspects such as transparency, business ethics, human rights and social and environmental performance.

According to the most recent Bettercoal report, Drummond Ltd. excelled in improving its performance in aspects like greater employee and stakeholder participation in decisive actions for the company; in its training policies for workers on issues such as workplace safety; in its application of the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights; in its waste management and water conservation. The areas that show the greatest progress coincide with the four pillars of its Corporate Social Responsibility policy: peace and human rights, governance for development, environmental performance and comprehensive development.

Examples of Drummond Ltd.’s best practices highlighted by Bettercoal include its Human Rights Risk Management System, its active participation in and support for initiatives such as the Mining and Energy Committee and the Human Rights and Coal Working Group; its preference for hiring local suppliers and skill-building so local companies can qualify as suppliers; certification in standards such as OHSAS 18001 in occupational health and ISO 14001 in environmental management at both the mine and the port. The report also mentions that operating conditions during the site visit and management practices were outstanding.

“It is a source of pride for all Drummond employees to see the results of this evaluation. We have been going along this path as a team since 2014 to achieve the required performance indicators and demonstrate the responsibility and sustainability of our operation. In addition to creating our Corporate Social Responsibility strategy, we develop robust systems and policies in key areas where we had opportunities for improvement, which has given us very good results,” said the company’s president, José Miguel Linares.

In turn, Carolina Riaño, Senior Vice President of CSR, noted that out of all the companies audited, Colombia was the country that performed the best. “This confirms that our country has the most reliable coal in the world, that we are a supplier that meets the highest standards in exporting a mineral whose chain is sustainable and responsible as compared to other players in the international market.”

In addition, the president of Drummond Ltd. noted that this is an acknowledgement of the work that the companies have undertaken with the involvement of the communities and the support of the local and national governments. “We have gained valuable experience, and out of difficulty, our greatest strengths have emerged. This evaluation shows that, even though the challenges are great, we have faced them and met the standards that the world requires,” he concluded.