Press Release on Death of Contractor’s Employee

La Loma, September 26, 2018

Drummond Ltd. profoundly regrets the death of Leomar Fernando Guerrero Uribe who worked for one of our contracting companies, Transportes Montejo, due to a work related accident that occurred on the morning of September 26 at the Pribbenow mine while performing his job.

From the moment the incident occurred, emergency protocols were activated, as well as immediate coordination of all the necessary actions to maintain the safety of the personnel present in that area.

Drummond Ltd. understands the work performed by Transportes Montejo and its commitment to our Occupational Industrial Safety and Health policy. Together with the contractor in charge and the relevant authorities, the corresponding investigations will be carried out to find the root cause of the event and avoid the recurrence of this type of incidents that affect the health, integrity, and well-being of employees and contractors, who are always our priority.

We express our condolences to his family and coworkers, whom we accompany in this difficult time.