Drummond Company, Inc. Announces Appointment of Nathaniel Drummond as Senior Vice President

May 1, 2017

Drummond Company, Inc. is pleased to announce the appointment of Nathaniel Drummond as Senior Vice President of Drummond Company, Inc. Nathaniel joined Drummond in May 2013 as Vice President of Drummond Coal Sales. He was subsequently promoted to Senior Vice President of Sales in 2016.

“Nathaniel has been instrumental in the expansion of Drummond’s coal sales in international markets, including Europe, Asia and Latin America,” said Mike Tracy, CEO of Drummond Company, Inc. “His experience, problem solving skills and leadership abilities will be an important addition to Drummond Company’s senior management team.”

In Nathaniel’s new position within Drummond Company, Inc., he will be working very closely with the CEO. He will be engaged in numerous areas of the Company including mine operations, coke production and marketing, finance and administration, procurement, and governmental relations. Nathaniel already has excellent experience in the coal industry and with his involvement with all areas of the Company he will strengthen his knowledge base and take on additional responsibilities. “I am very confident in Nathaniel’s knowledge, skills and abilities. We have a strong leadership team at Drummond and Nathaniel will be a welcomed addition to this team. We have great expectations for Nathaniel’s contributions and success in the future with Drummond Company, Inc.,” said Tracy.

Nathaniel started his career in coal trading with Vitol in 2008 in their London office. He also helped start their coal trading desk in Houston and was in charge of North American coal operations from 2009 to 2013. He also held internships with Drummond Company in 2006, and with Nuon (now Vattenfall), working on its trading floor in the Netherlands during 2007.

Nathaniel graduated with a Civil Engineering degree from Southern Methodist University in 2007, and now resides in Birmingham, Alabama with his wife Kylie and their two sons Tyler and Dylan.