Drummond delivers 5 new vessels for the benefit of the fishing community of the region

II Delivery of boats to fishermen

So far 10 vessels have been recently renovated by Drummond Ltd, and delivered within a month to the fishing community of Ciénaga, with the purpose of improving the tools, conditions, and quality of work of those who consider fishing their main source of income.

Five renovated vessels were delivered by the Company and received by the leaders of the Fishing Committees in a second event that was led through the fishing node, a strategy that is part of the community strengthening programs that are being developed by Drummond Ltd. within its Social Responsibility policy. The first five vessels were delivered on January 7th.

“The support provided by the Company has as its objective to contribute with the comprehensive development of the communities, a strategy that fits within the company’s corporate social responsibility plan. 5 vessels were delivered as part of the fishing project (that has been carried out during the last few years). The idea is to continue strengthening the community, and for the bonds of friendship and communication to continue getting tighter”, expressed Alvaro Daza, Coordinator of the Community Relations department for Drummond Ltd in Magdalena. In turn he invited each one of the vessel owners and Committee representatives to sign the acts as a guarantee for the delivered vessels.

During the delivery of the vessels, Captain Fernando Ponte, a Dimar expert, performed the inspection of the vessels and corroborated their quality. The delivery was performed before the presence of the environmental authority, and accompanied by Nancy Barrea as representative for ANLA, and the representative for AUNAP, Jose Camilo Costa.

With the renovated vessels of the ‘Perita en Dulce’ dugout of the Almendros Committee, the ‘Lala’ and ‘Francisco’ vessels belonging to the same Committee, and the ‘Costa Verde 1’ and ‘Juan’ vessels of the Costa Verde sector, fishermen are again grateful for the support that has been received, and are committed to making good use of this new optimized tool, which will make their fishing tasks easier and will improve their quality of life.

Boat Francisco before