Ciénaga, August 11, 2021
In an effort to contribute to quality education and improve the learning conditions of students in the municipality of Ciénaga, Drummond Ltd. and the Mayor’s Office inaugurated the former Alfredo Correa de Andréis Educational Institution. The project will allow students to return to school in optimal conditions and in compliance with biosafety protocols.
During the inauguration, the Mayor of Ciénaga, Luis Alberto Tete Samper expressed his gratitude to Drummond Ltd. and stated: “The educational institution has all the biosecurity protocols for the return to classes under the alternating attendance model. In my previous term, I was able to work very well hand in hand with the company, and today in my second term, despite the pandemic, we have also done important things for the benefit of the student communities and the community of Ciénaga. I want to reiterate that we will continue working hand in hand with the company and with all the people of Cienaga to continue developing our municipality”.
With the opening of the Alfredo Correa de Andres campus, the number of students will increase from 240 to more than 400. It should be noted that the headquarters where the institution was located before was given on loan to the National Institute of Technical Professional Training -INFOTEP-, to guarantee access to higher education for the students of the municipality, a flagship program of the current administration.
“Everything related to education is important for us, it is not only crystallized with the delivery or adequacy of this infrastructure, we go much further, with the Scholarship Program, and faith of that, have been the three winners that the Alfredo Correa de Andres Educational Institution has had, young people like Pedro Altahona, Jesus Fernandez and Dustin Olivero, no doubt this is a chain of positive actions, “said Alvaro Daza, coordinator of Community Relations for Magdalena.

The Community Relations Coordinator also emphasized the projects and sectors in which the company works, in addition to education, supporting programs to rebuild the social fabric or providing coverage to the health and sports sectors, among other programs.
For his part, Dustin Olivero, who gave his speech during the event as a graduate of the inaugurated institution, a Drummond 2014 scholarship recipient and company employee, said: “Working at Drummond I reaffirm the human quality of its people, and from my new position in the Human Resources department, I thank my parents and the teachers of this institution for instilling in me perseverance, a sense of belonging and respect for differences, important keys to be able to stand out in my role today. Thank you Drummond for your continued commitment to the education of thousands of young people, for being dream makers and for making the families and institutions that have seen the growth and success of all those who have benefited from the scholarships proud.
On this occasion, the remodeling consisted of repairing the second floor slabs and waterproofing the roof, reconstruction of the staircase, installation of drinking water pipes, networks and toilets, electrical system, change of floors, interior painting, façade and construction of sidewalks. The classrooms were equipped with new desks from preschool to technical high school, lamps and fans were installed, and air conditioners were installed in the offices and computer room.
The company, from its social responsibility, and aiming at the pillar of integral development that includes quality education within the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), continues to work in an articulated manner for the construction, reconstruction, expansion and improvement of educational infrastructure in its port areas of influence, as it has been doing with this and other institutions such as the Carlos García Mayorca and La Francia schools in the same municipality.
As in Ciénaga, Drummond will continue to contribute to the quality of education in the other municipalities that form part of its port, railroad and mining corridor, working in coordination with local administrations and neighboring communities.