Drummond Supports the ‘First Meeting with Officials from the Mining, Energy and Environmental Sectors Aimed at Mayors from the Cesar Department’


September 6, 2016

*Alfredo Araújo Castro, Drummond Ltd.’s Community Relations Manager, presented 60 helmets, 50 pens and 50 key chains to the department’s Secretary of Mines, Carmen Galvis Núñez, for the ‘First Meeting with Officials from the Mining, Energy and Environmental Sectors aimed at Mayors from the Cesar Department’

First encounter

This Tuesday in Valledupar the ‘First Meeting with Officials from the Mining, Energy and Environmental Sectors Aimed at Mayors from the Cesar Department’ will be held, which provides information on the status of illegal mining in the department. The event will be attended by the Minister of the Environment and Sustainable Development, Luis Gilberto Murillo, and the President of the National Mining Agency, Silvana Habib Daza. The support of companies from the industry such as Drummond Ltd. have donated items to be presented to participants at the event.

The meeting will be led by the Governor of Cesar, Francisco Ovalle Angarita, in order to understand the reality of the industry and create programs aimed at formalization. The Head of the Department of Cesar will present the results of the first depiction of illegal mining prepared by the Secretary of Mines in the 25 municipalities.
