INFOTEP Students Spoke Highly of the Mining Operation and Socio-Environmental Commitments of Drummond Ltd.


June 12, 2016

Drummond Ltd., reaffirming its social commitment to the training of the country’s professionals, welcomed fifth-semester mining students from the Instituto Nacional de Formación Técnica Profesional (INFOTEP) at the Pribbenow Mine. Here they were able to witness up close the processes carried out at the mining operation, in addition to the projects that environmentally mitigate the impact caused by coal mining.

Luwing Otero, Long-term Planning Engineer of the Engineering Department, Iván Fonseca, Environmental Analyst, Fray Orozco, Supervisor of the Environmental Department, and Eulises Cárdenas, Director of Industrial Safety, were responsible for communicating and familiarizing the students with of all of the topics, programs and projects managed inside the company.

Otero introduced the students to the subject of coal exploration, mining and exporting. He summarized what Drummond Ltd. has achieved during its years of work and also showed them the equipment that is used to carry out the various activities of the operation.

“I’ve always had a good image of Drummond. The company is one of the pioneers in coal mining and the second in Colombia in coal production. Also, it has modern technology that shows its development, and for us it’s important that students observe all of the mining processes that take place in companies like this one. With regard to environmental management, it can be said that it shows concern for the environment,”said Ever Joaquín Bermúdez Daza, mining professor in the coal area of INFOTEP.

For their part, Iván Fonseca and Fray Orozco presented the forest compensation projects, among them the revegetation processes, fauna and flora rescue, and the water reserve of the El Paujil reservoir, one of the strategic environmental protection systems most important to the company. These projects carried out by Drummond Ltd. are set up to mitigate the damage caused by its production processes.

“Drummond is a profitable company shows concern for the environment by people who are outside of the country. It contributes a lot to society. They clean roads in the municipalities near their mine; which is beneficial because most people are concerned about suspended particles in the air. This company cares so much about them, and about the fauna and flora, and acts according to the guidelines required by the State,”said Jairo Esteban Moncada Paredes, a fifth-semester mining student at INFOTEP.

The students had the opportunity to see how the mining operation is carried out from the Ramp 7 overlook and to observe the reservoir that permits supplying water to the region during drought from the El Paujil overlook which also allows the protection of the fauna and flora existing in the mining areas.

This was one of the things that surprised student Angie Arroyo. “Something to be noted is the importance Drummond assigns to the environment. It is incredible how they care for the fauna and flora, and mitigate the environmental damage that may occur in the future. Also, the mining system is incredible – how they mine, their annual production, is quite impressive,”, she said.

Drummond Ltd. continues to demonstrate its commitment to educating Colombians and carrying out responsible mining that cares for and protects the environment in which it works.
