Corpocesar, Drummond and CNR Will Present the Methodology Used for the Environmental Compensation Program

La Loma, February 15, 2017

At the Hotel Sicarare, in the city of Valledupar on February 16, 2018 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., Corpocesar, Drummond Ltd. and CNR will present the design proposal for the methodology for the Environmental Compensation Program, while seeking partners for the program as well.

This program is part of the compensation measures for the mining operations, as a strategy to offset the environmental impacts caused by mining activities. The proposal called, “ENVIRONMENTAL COMPENSATION PROGRAM FOR THE EL DESCANSO (Drummond Ltd.), LA FRANCIA (CNR) and EL HATILLO (CNR) MINING OPERATIONS,” seeks to identify potential areas for conservation.

This project will run for ten years; initially it will be implemented on 9,000 hectares to be preserved and it is expected to involve approximately 900 to 1,500 families. All of the work will be done with an estimated investment of 15 million dollars.

Within this context, Drummond Ltd. and CNR, in compliance with the compensation requirements established in ANLA and Corpocesar resolutions, will move forward with the design for the compensation program in the Sicarare, Casacará and Fernambuco river basins, and near the Las Animas, La Mula, El Zorro streams and the Mata de Palma and Zapatosa marshes.

The goal of this program is the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of the existing resources in these areas, which were agreed to and defined by the Regional Autonomous Corporation of Cesar – CORPOCESAR, in a way that contributes to protecting and improving environmental services.

These companies want to implement processes that not only benefit the environment, but also involve the local communities that have settled in the area that will be covered by the compensation program.