Drummond Ltd. and the Valledupar Journalist Circle Grant Scholarship to Cesar Journalist

La Loma, February 14th of 2018

* Drummond Ltd employees together with the President for the CPV, Yanitza Fontalvo and journalist Arnol Murillo, winner of the scholarship.

With the purpose of providing support for journalistic talents in Cesar, and seeking the professional growth of this sector, Drummond Ltd. and the Valledupar Journalist Circle (CPV), delivered the second edition of the “Communications Scholarship” to journalist Arnol Murillo. Murillo is currently working for the publication El Pais Vallenato and will have the opportunity to specialize in communications in any college in the region.

With this scholarship, Drummond Ltd. generates new opportunities for learning and professional development aimed at journalists from the region and residing in the department of Cesar.

“I am very happy. To grow academically will always be a blessing and even more with these opportunities that are giving us all the tools to do so. There are no excuses,” expressed Murillo when he found out he was the winner. In the same way, he expressed his gratitude with the company, “To thank Drummond Ltd. because with this type of encouragement it gets us closer to continue growing, and today, is such an important day. I would also like to thank the CPV, its current president, and the board of directors for this opportunity.”

In this edition, the qualifying committee had the oversight of the Valledupar Journalist Circle through its general secretary Clara Ines Orozco and the qualifying jury made up by the Communications and Public Relations Vice-President for Drummond Ltd., Pablo Urrutia, writer and columnist for El Pilon, Mary Daza Orozco, and former President for the CPV, Mildreth Zapata.

This Communications Scholarship is of great support for all the professionals who want to continue rising at a professional level, as Arnol Murillo, who recognizes that his commitment now is to comply with all the established objectives, rise to this opportunity, and be an example for all his peers who come after him and who dream of winning this scholarship.