Drummond Ltd opens its doors to journalists from the Caribbean region


October 8, 2015

Journalists were able to receive some personalized time with the Company, through the Workshop carried out for several media outlets from the departments of Bolivar, Atlántico, and Magdalena. The experience allowed them to better understand the operations, and receive answers from each of the area’s managers regarding their concerns.

This event was part of a series of workshops performed with radio journalists from the same departments, as well as with journalists from Cesar. This opportunity allowed the assistance of press and TV correspondents into Puerto Drummond, where they were able to observe the export process carried out by the Company through the direct loading system.

“This is the first time that I’ve had direct contact with the Company. I say direct because we’ve had access to the company’s communications, as well as to Drummond’s spokespersons when they attend mining events, but with this workshop I can reinforce my opinion that this is a great company. We’ve also understood the work they carry out in the areas of influence. The port and mining infrastructure the Company has is truly world class,” stated Hermes Figueroa, journalist for El Universal newspaper in Cartagena.

The Workshop’s opening statement was in charge of Drummond’s Communications and Public Relations Vice-President, Pablo Urrutia, who manifested the importance of understanding first-hand the Company’s internal operation and external management. He also provided details about coal reserves, the production and export figures for Drummond Ltd., and the investment in the direct loading system among others, all issues related to the company’s operations.

Afterwards, Superintendent Javier Gomez, representing the railroad area, explained the location and coverage of the railroad line, highlighting the equipment and training received by the crew, and in this way achieving a safe and high quality product.

On the other hand, Port Operations Manager, Jose Luis Velasquez, put into historical context the Company’s foundation by explaining how the operations have been based on the implementation of a structured industrial safety practice, since the start of the operation, and on the compliance of certifications required for these activity. He noted that Puerto Drummond constitutes the storage and subsequent export phase of the coal produced by the Company, of which the majority is destined for Europe, with state of the art technology and a large loading capacity.

Likewise, the journalists were provided information by the Human Resource Vice-President, Ricardo Urbina, regarding the benefits, distribution, and place of origin of the collaborators, according to the company’s selection and development policy where employment priority is given to individuals from the areas of influence. He also explained the healthy balance that the Company establishes in its labor relationships with the five unions that currently exist.

“The perception we had of the Company before was very complex, since the information that we received was only based on claims by others; but now we have a closer relationship, where we have really come to understand the Company. We hope that as media, we get to have direct communication so we can obtain first-hand all the information that is generated by Drummond, and not only by external parties,” expressed the journalist from Noticias Ya, Yenny Ramirez Ahumada.

In the midst of the presentations, the journalists had the opportunity to clear any doubts, and to tour the Port’s facilities, among them the dock, where they we able to closely appreciate the direct loading of coal. They also observed the harmonic cohabitation of the fauna with the coal activities at the fresh water reservoir, and observed the coal storage process in the patios from the lookout point.

Once the tour was over, the visitors were instructed on the policies that the Company uses when it buys supplies or contracts with vendors, which are mainly from the Caribbean region, and the partnerships that Drummond has established with small producers from the region. Other topics regarding industrial safety in the operations were also discussed, which are constantly strengthened with training and drills. The visitors also received information about the work the Company does in terms of occupational health, related to working in a safe way, and respecting the environment and regulations.

The journalists also learned about essential aspects of the Company related to its environmental commitment, its Good Neighbor policy from where social responsibility is developed with the communities, and the work that the company has been performing in terms of reforestation and conservation of areas, as a compensation guarantee, ratifying that mining can be carried out in a responsible and sustainable way for the country.
