Drummond supports installation to create new artificial reefs in Pozos Colorados


April 30, 2015

As of today, Wednesday, April 29th, in Pozos Colorados new modules are being submerged to generate artificial reefs that will facilitate marine biodiversity. The activity is led by Ecopetrol, in partnership with the Universidad del Magdalena and the Fundación Sociedad Portuaria de Santa Marta. It will also be supported by Drummond Ltd., the company Moam –Monitoreos Ambientales–, and the Coast Guard Station of Santa Marta.

The maneuver will be similar to the mooring of the structures that took place in 2013, with the difference that this time the modules will have a pyramid design that has been studied in advance, taking into account its usefulness for better attachment by microorganisms, facilitating the formation of artificial fish-aggregating reefs and making it possible to compare how much effect the shape of the structures has on the restoration of the area.

The structures that will be located on the seabed, in the area of Pozos Colorados, will be installed according to the coordinates proposed in Resolution 0132 of 2015, which also includes the area under concession where the General Maritime Authority, DIMAR, authorized the Universidad del Magdalena to install 6 additional modules under the jurisdiction of the Port Captain.

During the event, and to move the structures in the ocean, Drummond Ltd. will contribute the machinery needed for the operation, providing the Colombia 4 crane, the Michael T tugboat and two boats, plus the team of divers and personnel trained to carry out the activities proposed in the project.

So far, the results from the last mooring, in which six cube-shaped structures were submerged, have been positive, as shown by the records that we have from the first structures, where various organisms and some threatened species have been seen, including grouper, spiny lobster, sea bass and mutton snapper.

It is worth noting that, since its inception, this project has been supported by entities such as the National Apprenticeship Service (SENA), the Corporación Autónoma Regional del Magdalena (Corpamag), the General Maritime Authority (DIMAR), the National Aquaculture and Fisheries Authority (AUNAP) and the Irotama and Estelar Santamar hotels. In addition to being essential to the preservation of species, in the future it aims to provide new opportunities for the fishing communities as a space for recreational tourism and conservative fishing.

Drummond Ltd. will continue to support these projects that make it possible to expand marine biodiversity and create new focuses for income production and conservation, thereby contributing to a balanced ecosystem.
