ARN, Drummond, and the El Paso Mayor’s office implement actions for a new peace-building generation


Valledupar, July 26, 2018.

The ARN, Drummond Ltd, and the El Paso Mayor’s Office socialized the community Project ‘Protective surroundings for a new peace-building generation’ that will benefit inhabitants in the township of La Loma. Photo ARN Communications.

In the township of La Loma de Calenturas, in the department of Cesar, representatives of the Agency for Reincorporation and Normalization (ARN), Drummond Ltd., and the El Paso Mayor’s Office, met to advance the consolidation of the project ‘Protective surroundings for a new peace-building generation’.

Angelica Patricia Agamez, ARN’s coordinator for the Cesar Territorial Group, indicated that this Project being implemented by the Agency with the support of public and private institutions, is a bet for the generation of educational spaces, reconstruction of the social networks, recovery of sports scenarios, community integration, and the early prevention of child, adolescent, and Young recruitment in the department.

“In the name of the ARN, we are thankful to Drummond, El Paso Mayor’s Office, and the inhabitants of the township of La Loma for joining these important alliances that have a primary objective: contribute to the construction of peace and reconciliation in the country’s territories”, added Agamez.

On the other hand, Yilda Tatiana Pineda, coordinator for community relations for Drummond Ltd., declared that “for Drummond it is important to continue working jointly with the ARN. We have a successful experience in Magdalena, and we will begin the same exercise here in Cesar. Drummond has been in these territories for more than thirty years, and since then it has made important investments in infrastructure, for this reason the company want to go even further and promote the social development with the construction of local capabilities, and this is an example of implementing actions that allow the community to generate income. We hope to have positive results and continue betting on these type of initiatives that lead to the construction of peace and values in our territories”.

In the meantime, Hidalfo de la Cruz, Mayor of El Paso, expressed that he is thankful to the ARN and multinational Company Drummond for taking the municipality into account, who offers special characteristics apart from being a region hit by violence. “Within our Government and development plan, we contemplate certain goals that allow us to work jointly with the ARN and Drummond, in problems that have been identified in El Paso and the township of La Loma. We have created a project that will benefit children and adolescents, as well as people who were part of an illegal arms group, and today, together with their families, they are in a process of reintegration and peace-building”, added the leader of the Cesar municipality.

The ARN, Drummond Ltd., and the El Paso Mayor’s Office insist that they will work together so that the implementation of this project contributes to the consolidation of a peace culture, empowering young adults, and strengthening leaderships.

The ARN, Drummond Ltd, and the El Paso Mayor’s Office socialized the community Project ‘Protective surroundings for a new peace-building generation’ that will benefit inhabitants in the township of La Loma. Photo ARN Communications.
