Drummond Releases Wildlife into Protected Areas for World Environment Day


La Loma, June 14, 2017

To celebrate World Environment Day, Drummond Ltd. released 127 red-footed tortoises (Chelonoidis carbonaria) and 3 boas (Boa constrictor) that have been in the care of Corpocesar’s Wildlife Attention and Assessment Center in Cesar. They were released into protected areas at the Pribbenow Mine near the Paraluz Creek and the El Paujil reservoir.

These animals came from captures outside the area of the Mine by the Colombian Police, which turned them over to Corpocesar. “When we return animals to the environment, we prevent their extinction and we improve the biodiversity of our ecosystem in all aspects,” commented Pablo Patiño, General Coordinator of the Wildlife Attention and Assessment Center in Cesar.

The official added that “the company’s cooperation is quite remarkable, because it has ideal zones for the preservation of plants and wildlife with a great food supply for these species.”

Drummond Ltd. is committed to protecting plants and wildlife in areas set aside for conservation. Sites were chosen for this release that have the special conditions these species need in terms of habitat: the Paraluz Creek and the El Paujil reservoir were the most advantageous for returning them to the wild.

The company, in addition to rescuing wildlife found in the different areas of the operation, also organizes regular campaigns to train its employees about the importance of conserving plants and wildlife, demonstrating its commitment to the preservation of the local ecosystems.

*Drummond and Corpocesar employees release
the wildlife.
