Drummond Accompanied Santa Marta’s Bilingual School for the Earth Day Celebration


Cienaga, May 4, 2017

During the commemoration of International Earth Day at the Bilingual School of Santa Marta, Drummond Ltd. participated in the event with a lecture delivered to sixth and ninth graders of the institution by the Environmental Engineer of the company’s Environmental Department, John Encinales; about the origins of Earth Day, the importance of preserving the environment, the operating system of the company and the environmental management measures that are implemented at Puerto Drummond.

At the conference, the company delivered flyers and brochures with complementary information on the company’s environmental management.

During the celebration, more than 30 environmental projects were presented and exhibited by young students, which received awards by the different judges invited to the event. Different environmental experiments, proposals to save the planet, and countless number of activities took place, which made the celebration a complete success.

Drummond continues to support the educational processes to create environmental awareness and the development of proposals that offer greater sustainability for the preservation of the environment.

John Encinales, an Environmental Engineer at the company, talked about environmental management to a group of students from sixth and ninth grade at the Santa Marta Bilingual School.
