Alfredo Araújo, Community Relations Manager, is declared an Honorary “Adopted Son” of El Paso, Cesar


La Loma, April 28, 2017

Thanks to his commitment to the development of the communities in the mining region through Drummond Ltd., Alfredo Araújo Castro, Community Relations Manager, was declared an “adopted son” of El Paso, Cesar by the Mayor of the municipality during the 29th annual Pedazo de Acordeón Festival.

The declaration was made at the Casa de la Cultura in El Paso, in the middle of a conversation with Ciro Quiroz, the great honoree of this version of the Pedazo de Acordeón Festival.

“The municipal government would like to publicly recognize the dedication and commitment of Mr. Alfredo Araújo for his engagement with this municipality. He is a man who has been working on behalf of our community and we are very grateful to him,” said Hidalfo De La Cruz, Mayor of El Paso.
