Students from the Angela Maria Torres Educational Institution, in the Municipality of Becerril, Visit the Pribbenow Mine.


La Loma, April 24, 2017

Drummond welcomed students from the Angela Maria Torres Educational Institution from the municipality of Becerril to the Pribbenow Mine. During the visit the students received an education of the environmental management plan and the mining systems for the La Loma and El Descanso projects.

The company’s social responsibility activities with the zones of influence in the mining area were also presented. These presentations were conducted by the employees of the Community Relations, Environmental, and Engineering departments who accompanied the visit.

The students presented their concerns related to how the company manages waste, water stability, the compensations that are generated by the mining activities, how particulate material is controlled, and mining methods.

Once the presentations were completed, the students toured the Mine installations; including the Lookout Point on Ramp 7 and the El Paujil Dam. They were able to corroborate the information supplied by directly observing the mining operations.

*Colaboradores de Drummond Ltd. dictando las charlas de las áreas de Ingeniería y Ambiental.

The institution’s teachers thanked Drummond Ltd. for making the visit possible, as the activity will further their education, taking into account that the institution’s emphasis is environmental. “The experience today has been extremely satisfactory, mainly because we were able to observe the processes directly. The students have observed what we, at a theoretical level, have explained. They have been able to resolve any of their doubts, and we hope that this can guarantee their ecological conscience,” stated Nancy Patricia Gutierrez, teacher for the institution’s environmental area.

In this way, Drummond Ltd. shows its commitment with the region’s younger population and their education, contributing to their knowledge in terms of responsible mining, and incentivizing an ecological attitude in relation to our surrounding and resources.
