Drummond Donated Items to the Community Hall in Trigo, La Guajira


La Loma, March 29, 2017

Drummond Ltd. delivered items for the community hall for the village of El Trigo, which was also built by Drummond and completed on October 7, 2016. It is located in the rural area of the municipality of Fonseca in the department of La Guajira. This project was planned as part of the Río Ranchería Sur Project – File LAM 0683, fulfilling the commitments made under the Environmental Management Plan for Carretalitos wells 7 and 8.

Drummond Ltd.’s Hydrocarbons and Mineral Exploration Division, through the HSE and Community Relations Department, delivered several items to furnish the hall, including 1 enclosed 6.3 KVA three-phase generator, 50 Rimax chairs, 5 Rimax tables, 1 flipchart, 1 50-meter extension cord, 1 projection screen, 1 plastic cooler and 1 first aid kit. Ltd.

This initiative will contribute to the community’s development and the well-being of the 11 families from this village in La Guajira.

The community was happy to receive this contribution from Drummond Ltd. Fredy Fonseca, resident of Trigo, expressed: “For our community, it is gratifying to have an ally as important as [Drummond’s] Hydrocarbons Division, because it has made sure that Trigo’s community hall has all the necessary elements, taking care of every detail and listening to our needs. With the items we received, we will be able to carry out academic training activities, promote recreational opportunities for our children, and it can also serve as a meeting space for all of our residents to come together.”

Meanwhile, Noreida Solano, on behalf of the company’s Hydrocarbons and Mineral Exploration Division, said: “Thanks to the items that were supplied, we are helping to carry out the activities that are performed in this area, which can be held within the infrastructure of the community hall, making this a meeting place for the people from this rural area in order to promote social cohesion and community empowerment.”
