Wellbeing and Christmas in Guacamayal, Zona Bananera


Cienaga, December 29, 2016

Through the partnership with Drummond Ltd., the Amigos del Carbon Foundation, Fundepalma, Funaco, and the First Division Army Reserve, 400 people, among them adults and children, were present at the health brigade carried out in the township of Guacamayal, in the municipality of Zona Bananera.

Children and parents had access to services including general medicine, dentistry, medication supply, dental kits, and recreation among others, which included the delivery of Christmas gifts. “In this brigade, we’ve received many benefits, health services, gifts, dental service, and recreation for all children. We’ve always had Drummond’s support, and everything they do benefits us”, expressed Luzdary Berdugo, mother of children who benefitted from the health brigade.

Heath Brigade 1_DLTD

It is worth recalling that the township of Guacamayal was one of the most affected zones by hurricane Matthew. That is the reason the decision was made to provide health services to this community, providing medical attention to 281 patients, as well as dental health assistance to 98 children and the delivery of 138 dental kits. Likewise, families received free medications for their prescriptions.

The day included the delivery of 207 toys for boys and girls at the brigade, where 612 units of Manapack nutritional supplement were also handed out, donated by the Orden de Malta Colombia to the young population, as well as bottles of vegetable oil donated by Fundepalma. The children were able to enjoy recreation and activities that they thoroughly enjoyed.

Health Brigade2_DLTD

“I think it was a very well organized brigade, with a series of supplies that satisfied all the people we cared for. The brigade included 9 doctors together with the dental group from the Universidad del Magdalena; this support program has been developed for the last eight years, and jointly with Drummond and Fundepalam’s personnel, we’ve been present in the towns that are directly influenced by the railroad”, affirmed the Mayor of the professionals from the Army’s First Division Reserve in Santa Marta, Juan Pertuz.

To share a message of peace, love, and fraternity with the children from our area of influence is the goal of the activities that we carry out during the holidays. Drummond Ltd. and all its collaborators are very pleased to see those in need smile, and to bring happiness to the entire community.
