Press Release on Mine Accident

La Loma, June 19, 2017

Drummond Ltd. regrets to report the death of Germán Darío García Araque, an employee at the Pribbenow mine. Mr. Garcia had an accident on Sunday night, June 18, when he was clearing a mine road.

The company’s emergency procedures were immediately activated and our industrial safety and occupational health personnel went to the scene to carry out the rescue work. Colombian authorities were notified and are assisting in the rescue efforts, with the necessary personnel and equipment.

The family was notified of the accident, and representatives from the Drummond Human Resources Department are providing support.

In compliance with the company’s protocols, the respective investigation was initiated to determine the root cause of the accident.

Drummond deeply regrets this accident and expresses its condolences to the family of German Darío García Araque.

We would also like to inform that this is the only official communication issued by the company. There is a false statement circulating on social media with the company’s letterhead.