In Cienaga, 540 young adults will be leading the peace game


Cienaga, August 18, 2017

Values like equality, saying no to violence, freedom of expression, active involvement, non-discrimination, taking care of oneself and each other, and caring for the environment, were the main players during the launch of the strategy “Construction of values through games.” This project is led by the Reincorporation and Normalization Agency (ARN), Drummond Ltd., and the Cienaga Mayor’s office. The project seeks to benefit 540 students from five educational institutions in the municipality of Cienaga.

At the Educational Institution of El Carmen, teachers and students, of this and four other educational institutions –Enoc Mendoza, La Maria, Alianza para el Progreso, and Alfredo Correa de Andreis–, met to reaffirm their enthusiasm and commitment with the first championship of “Golombiao, the peace game”. A methodology that has been used by the ARN in their work to prevent recruitment, and that consists of using soccer to strengthen the abilities of kids, young adults, and other members of the communities, in the construction of life projects that will ensure their development and will allow them to stay away from violence.

“This is a project that seeks to promote, through games, involvement, coexistence, the peaceful resolution of conflicts, and gender equality. The principles that are dealt with these students in the field are also taken to the classrooms through recreational and innovative activities that the ARN’s team of professionals has prepared for them”, explained Jose Nicolas Wild, coordinator for the Magdalena region.

During the launch of the strategy, Drummond Ltd., handed out soccer balls and uniforms to the students and representatives of the educational institutions, which were used during the meet as part of the contribution the company made for the sustainability of the program. “We are committed to help the youth, by promoting peaceful scenarios in the communities, and this strategy gathers the elements to generate in these young adults, the appropriation of values and principles that will contribute to a healthy coexistence”.

Between August and December, these young adults from the five educational institutions will participate in recreational, artistic, and fun activities that seek for these individuals to adopt each one of these values developed during the games. In parallel, the championship matches for the inter-grade games will be held.

The finalists will participate in the inter-collegiate championship which will be held in December.
