Drummond Presents Human Rights Management Process and Policy with Contractors and Providers

Cienaga, December 1, 2017

Drummond organized a meeting in November on human rights with a group of more than 100 people, representing several of the main contractors and providers of Drummond Ltd.’s mining and port operations. The meeting covered topics related to the Company’s Human Rights Policy, and future expectations regarding greater awareness and adoption of the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights and the United Nations Guiding principles on Business and Human Rights.

This event is a part of the human rights program Drummond has been implementing for the last three years. Inside the company, close to 80% of the employees has received this training.

Also included in the session was a module on work ethics, and another on asset laundering and the financing of terrorism.

Present at the meeting were Pablo Urrutia, Vice President of Communications and Public Relations; Martin Ahrens, Director of Materials Management; Jose Rafael Unda, Human Rights Advisor; Jorge Cotes, Purchase Manager; Juan Fernando Muñoz, Compliance System Coordinator; and employees, contractors and providers.

José Rafael Unda, Human Rights Advisor, leading the meeting with Drummond Ltd employees, contractors and suppliers.

The discussion emphasized the fact that Drummond rejects any type of child labor or exploitation, illegal discrimination, forced labor, and any violation of the freedom of association and collective negotiation, with one of its objectives being to protect the human rights of everyone who has any kind of a connection with the company’s operations in Colombia.

“The human rights policy is something that has characterized this company from its beginning. Continuing on with the legacy left us by Garry Drummond, may he rest in peace, we have always conducted ourselves well, because we think not only about the good of the company, but also about the well-being of employees, contractors, and the communities that surround us,” expressed the Vice President of Communications and Public Relations, Pablo Urrutia.

The meeting reinforced the importance of being ethical on the job and not doing things that could tarnish the corporate image of the Company or contractors, emphasizing the code of conduct implemented by Drummond Ltd. Compliance System Coordinator Juan Fernando Muñoz explained, “it’s very hard for a company to achieve a good reputation, but very easy to lose it, and it can happen in a matter of seconds. That’s why at Drummond we must continue directing our efforts toward maintaining our good performance, which is what gives the Company its good image.”

On their part, contractors and providers expressed the importance of respecting and protecting human rights inside companies. The manager of Viaservin Ltda., Rina Rodriguez, stated, “I have to point out that since we began working with Drummond, it has been Drummond that has pushed us to continue developing a strong and consistent human rights policy, because we are multipliers, and everything in our surroundings should be aligned with and respect that policy.”

The meeting made it possible to share information and have a conversation about the work Drummond Ltd. is doing in the area of human rights, so that all of its employees, contractors, and providers will have the same commitment to providing every guarantee necessary to protect the enjoyment of rights, while at the same time having a clear understanding of what should be done and how to report any case of an irregularity that is considered to be illegal or in violation of rights or principles.