Drummond Supports a Health Brigade in the Simón Bolívar Neighborhood of Ciénaga


August 12, 2016

The event was led by the Friends of Coal Foundation, which through a strategic partnership with Drummond Ltd., Fundepalma, the Army Reserve, the University of Magdalena and Transportes San Antonio, coordinated contributions for the execution of this social initiative.

As part of its responsibility of being a good neighbor, Drummond Ltd. backed a health brigade carried out in the Simón Bolívar neighborhood of the municipality of Ciénaga, Magdalena, focused on the most vulnerable communities. This activity has been carried out for more than ten years in the communities in the area of influence of the port, and on this occasion the Friends of Coal Foundation was the entity in charge of leading it.

“We feel motivated every time we are able to take these benefits to the communities. This is the second event that we have held in 2016, and we plan to carry out two more in the second half of the year,”said Claudia Marcela Rivas, leader of the Friends of Coal Foundation, and Administrative Manager of Drummond Ltd.’s mining operations.

The action was carried out at the La Francia campus of the Darío Torregroza Pérez School, and benefited 302 people – children and adults – who received care in general medicine, pediatrics and general dentistry. Also, the participants were provided with medicines according to the prescriptions they were given, and 115 children received dental kits.

“Today, as in all of the brigades, Fundepalma makes its contribution in the distribution of medicine in partnership with Drummond and the Friends of Coal Foundation. This kind of event creates benefits and transformation in the communities in our area of influence,”said Jeison Martínez, Head of Operations of Fundepalma.
Soldiers from the National Army Reserve were in charge of making the participants’ morning happy, especially for the children, who enjoyed themselves through music, playful activities and the face-painting area.

“We join this social action today in order to benefit this community. Our presence here is to guarantee safety and provide medical support, and at the same time provide recreation to adults and children during the event,”said Major Jesús Montoya, a professional belonging to the National Army Reserve.
The community of the Simón Bolívar neighborhood showed its gratitude for all of the benefits provided during the brigade. “Today, on behalf of the entire community, I wish to thank all of the entities present here, especially Drummond, for remembering us, for allowing us access to all of these benefits that aid in the development of the community,”said Guillermo Cabana, President of the Community Action Board.

For Drummond Ltd. it is very important to work hand-in-hand with other entities and support this kind of event that benefits the communities and strengthens the commitment the company has to its neighbors.
