Drummond Ltd.’s Tree Planting Program Continues to Reach More Communities in La Loma


July 27, 2016

For Drummond Ltd. it is fundamental to establish close ties to the communities that form the area of influence of mining. Therefore, through its Community Relations and Environmental Departments implemented another distribution of trees in the Comcaja and Villa La Feria neighborhoods, located in the corregimiento of La Loma, Cesar.

The aim that we have is marvelous: to plant trees throughout this area and create an impeccable green zone that helps us to cool this area off more. It is too hot here, but we have already seen, through the training they have given us, that [planting trees] helps to cool the environment”,said Alfonso Flores Daza, President of the Community Action Board of the Urbanización Comcaja.

Through this project 1,855 trees have already been distributed to various neighborhoods and educational institutions in the corregimiento of La Loma, in the municipality of El Paso, Cesar, and the members of these communities have been trained on topics related to environmental sensitization, tree planting, and the correct planting and maintenance of trees, among others.

After the distribution and subsequent planting, the company continues to follow up on the communities and institutions to verify that the trees fulfill the expected conservation objective and produce the planned results to the benefit of the receiving communities.

On this occasion, 75 ash trees, 50 cañahuate trees and 50 yellow fig trees were distributed, for a total of 175 varieties of timber-yielding trees. As part of the environmental policy of the company, these trees were grown in the company’s tree nursery, located at the Pribbenow mine, which supplies it with diverse native species in order to continue the revegetation and reforestation processes carried out in the various areas of influence of the company.

I think it’s very good in that they are providing a tool that we can extend, as we can plant them, take care of them and make them almost like one’s children. Also, I’d like it to be expanded, planting not only here in La Loma but distributing trees to the other corregimientos of the municipality or area of influence of the Drummond company, which I think is the one that has contributed the most to the territory’s development,”said Seidis García, Vice-President of the Community Action Board of the Urbanización Comcaja.

We applaud this company and hope that they will pay attention to our requests, not only for trees but regarding any concern anyone has in the neighborhood. We are very grateful to Drummond. We firmly back the company,”said Everlides Orozco Vice-President of the Community Action Board of the Villa La Feria neighborhood.

In this way, the company ratifies its relationship and commitment to the communities in its area of influence and shows its interest in recovery and conservation of the environment in each of the corregimientos near its center of mining operations.
