Drummond Provides 800 Trees to the Álamos del Norte and Luis Hernando Restrepo Neighborhoods of La Loma, Cesar


June 27, 2016

Drummond Ltd. ratifies its character of a company that is socially and environmentally responsible and is committed to the communities in its area of influence. For this reason, the Community Relations and Environmental Departments provided 800 trees to the inhabitants of the Álamos del Norte and Luis Hernando Restrepo neighborhoods, located in the corregimiento of La Loma in the municipality of El Paso, Cesar.

The tree species distributed in the Álamos del Norte neighborhood were poison ash (100), lignum vitae (100) and mango (200). For their part, the inhabitants of the Luis Hernando Restrepo neighborhood received with joy 250 mango trees, 100 poison ash trees and 50 lignum vitae trees. The distributions form part of the revegetation and reforestation program led by the company.

“This is a great project, and we needed it. These days we can’t complain about Drummond as it is supporting us in all the projects we are leading now. It’s one of the companies that is best fulfilling the agreement with the ministry. That’s why today I thank Drummond. For us Drummond is almost everything – it’s a company that has brought us many benefits. There may be negative impacts, but there are more positive ones,” said Rafael Calixto Ureche Beleño, president of the Community Action Board of the Luis Hernando Restrepo neighborhood.

The inhabitants of the Luis Hernando Restrepo neighborhood were satisfied with the distri­bution and reaffirmed that Drummond is a company that optimizes the living conditions of the communities. “We are always grate­ful to Drummond. We needed these trees for in front of the houses and along the avenues. We have to adopt them. The company always remembers the town, and pays atten­tion to the students and to all of us,”stated Ana Villazón Acuña, an inhabitant of the Luis Hernando Restrepo neighborhood.

For the company it is very important to execute the Environmental Management Plan with regard to the biotic component of restoration of vegetation. Therefore, it works hard on recovering the land that is a source of production for the development of its inhabitants. It is in this respect that the tree nursery at the Pribbenow mine, which contains an approximate total of 80,000 trees, plays a significant role as seedlings are constantly being planted in order to have the number of trees required and continue meeting the commitment of restoration of vegetation with both the environmental authorities and the community.

¨The support the company gives to this community of Álamos del Norte is very important because we have almost no trees that benefit the neighborhood, and with this help it will look nicer and we’ll have much more shade and more fruit,” explained Ana Lidyz Negrete, one of the beneficiaries of the Álamos del Norte neighborhood.

The trees will be under the control of Drummond Ltd., which will check that they are preserved.
