Drummond Ltd. Continues to Support the Professional Education of Young People from the Municipality of Chiriguaná


April 4, 2016

Jessica Patricia Baños Ochoa, an 18-year-old resident of the village of La Aurora in the municipality of Chiriguaná, is another young recipient of the El Descanso scholarship awarded by Drummond Ltd. to study toward a professional degree.

“I am so happy to receive this scholarship that Drummond Ltd. is giving me to fulfill my dream of studying at a university and studying toward the degree that I want. My greatest wish is to be able to provide for my mother and my family. I promise to give my all so that all the people who believed in me can be proud of me and, in that way, I can thank them for their unconditional support,” said Jessica Baños after legally signing her scholarship award.

Professional formation support.

The commemorative presentation of this great recognition took place on the premises of the school in La Aurora. The scholarship was awarded by Álvaro Daza, Coordinator of Drummond Ltd.’s Scholarship Program, in front of Jessica’s teachers and tenth and eleventh grade classmates. This was as an incentive for them to see that with hard work, commitment, dedication, sacrifice and discipline, they could be the next Drummond Ltd. scholarship recipients.

“The idea behind granting these scholarships is to allow the communities to advance by generating knowledge and opportunities for the new generations because they are the future, not only of the municipality, but also of the country. Our aim is to build a decent future for them and their families. It is no secret that man’s most powerful weapon is education,” said Álvaro Daza.

Under the scholarship program that Drummond Ltd. has been implementing since 2006, more than 89 young people have benefitted from these academic scholarships that cover 100% of the total cost of tuition and an allowance for living expenses that amounts to more than $908,006 pesos per month.

“I am very grateful to Drummond Ltd. for these opportunities that they provide to the young people from the municipality of La Aurora, because they allow our youth to be able to succeed and, one way or another, they provide visibility and progress to the village,”said Adelson Ochoa, a teacher at the school.

Through these contributions, Drummond Ltd. is investing in the education and training of the human resources in the region and maintaining its strong commitment to the communities in the area of influence of its mining operations.
