Puerto Drummond Accident Update

Drummond Ltd. regrets to inform that Jhon Jairo Mendoza Bolaño, a worker who was injured in the March 4 accident at Puerto Drummond, died this morning at the Prado Clinic of Santa Marta.

Jhon Jairo had been hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit of the institution since last Wednesday, and he had been in critical condition with a guarded prognosis. In the last hours, his condition deteriorated after suffering a cardiac arrest.

The investigation to establish the cause of the accident will continue, in compliance with the protocols of the company. Also, Drummond Ltd. will continue to provide full cooperation to the authorities and entities to clarify what happened.

Drummond deeply regrets this incident and expresses its condolences to the family of Jhon Jairo Mendoza, as well as that of Deiner Noguera, who died on March 4 in the same accident.