Drummond Ltd. carries out environmental campaign to keep beaches clean in Cienaga


October 22, 2014

As a responsible company committed to the environment, Drummond Ltd. began a beach clean-up and waste collection campaign in Ciénaga’s coastal zone this past Friday, October 10th.

During the clean-up process, which began at Costa Verde’s beach, a large number of Drummond employees participated and have been collecting litter and waste material such as: plastic bottles, glass bottles and plastic bags, among other items.

Every day, the Drummond team is organized at 8:00 am with their work items and start collecting waste and garbage from the coastal zone, which is then deposited in bags and removed from the sector in a container in the afternoon.

Through the company’s initiative to care and protect the environment, approximately 7,600 kilograms of residues have been collected. Projects like these, which Drummond carries out within the framework of its social responsibility and environmental commitment, contribute to the well-being of the communities near the port’s zone of influence.
