Industrial Safety, a way of life that provides support for Drummond


March 20, 2013

Industrial Safety, a way of life that provides support for Drummond Ltd.

As part of our risk prevention strategy, at Drummond Ltd. we believe it is critical to recognize good deeds and multiply them to ensure that safety procedures are applied consistently. For this reason, we are proud to report that, as compared to 2011, the lost-time accident rate in the mining operations in 2012 was reduced by 40%.

In the case of the Port, multiple recognitions were awarded by area, congratulating all of the workers for the time that they have gone without recording a lost-time accident. An example of this was the reporting in 2012 of 72% of the groups from every area that had no lost-time accidents, noting that, of that number, 61% not only had no accidents, but they have also gone five years or more without any incidents.

This confirms the fact that we live the word safety in every corner of Drummond as a way of life; in the various operations where self-care is conducted, it is one of our main values. On a daily basis we remind the people who work for and make up this company that: “If it isn’t safe, don’t do it!”or “If it isn’t safe, make it safe!,” phrases that go along with the pace of work and allow each person to think critically about the work that they are going to perform to identify potential hazards.

These achievements are part of the commitment and hard work shown by Drummond’s entire operations, engrained in the Occupational Health and Safety Management System, through which we carry out various prevention programs, such as our priority programs: risk control, training, contractor monitoring and the comprehensive emergency plan, in order to cover all possible fields.

In this way, as part of these projects we conduct a series of programs and trainings, making our work practices safer: identifying hazards, implementing controls, safe work procedures, planned inspections, audits, emergency brigade meetings, drills and safety campaigns. Like the 360º Chats or the Safety Chats, the regular training cycles and the special training cycles, of which we highlight the “Human-Centered Safety” program, have contributed to improving behavior and optimizing the physical conditions of the work environment, taking on the issue of safety at the individual level as a rule for life.

These programs make it possible to fully develop the responsibility and build the commitment that must be embedded in each worker, embracing the concept of safety not only while they are at work, but also when they are with their families and in all of their daily activities. Therefore, Industrial Safety has become “our way of life, which guides everything we do, protecting everyone around us, our environment, our resources and ourselves.” It is one more reason for each employee to be aware of their movements, to be aware of all of the actions that they have to perform as part of their work, doing the best they can with full responsibility.
