Drummond Responds to the COVID-19 Emergency by Giving Support to More than 15,000 Families in Cesar and Magdalena

Valledupar, April 6, 2020

In response to the health emergency faced by the country, Drummond Ltd. has been steadfast in its commitment to communities and we continue to execute our corporate social responsibility strategy. For that reason, based on our knowledge of the needs in this region, we have oriented our efforts in benefit of the most vulnerable population groups in Cesar and Magdalena toward four main aspects: drinking water, food security, medical supplies, and fire control.

First off, based on the conviction that having clean water available is basic to preventing the spread of COVID-19, over the last three weeks we have donated 1.4 million liters of drinking water. This benefit has helped more than 1,100 families in 35 neighborhoods in Bosconia, Agustin Codazzi, La Jagua de Ibirico, and El Paso in the Department of Cesar. This service is crucial because during the dry season these communities have no functioning water supply system, which increases their vulnerability.

Secondly, Drummond set out to shore up the food security of the communities living in the area of influence of our operations. Through the Food Bank Association, and thanks to significant support from regional and church institutions and the Colombian Army (especially Brigades 2 and 10), 13,000 families in 14 municipalities and districts of Cesar and Magdalena receive free grocery bundles that include indispensable articles for good nutrition and hygiene. We also invite our employees to support these towns in the area of nutrition by setting up a mechanism for employee donations.

“The 19 food banks in Colombia can give testimony to the joy brought by sharing. Drummond has wanted to join in this support for the people of Cesar and Magdalena. I am grateful for their great collaboration, and I invite everyone to express solidarity in these times. The reality our country is experiencing shows us that helping is going to make us happier as Colombians, and is going to make us think and dream that hope is close at hand,” indicated Father Daniel Saldarriaga, leader of the Bogotá Food Bank.

In addition, as we have done since 2014, during the last week we have helped fight forest fires in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of Santa Marta. In this respect, in support to the Office of the Mayor of Santa Marta and the Risk Management Unit in Cienaga (Magdalena), we have supplied 5,280 gallons of water, plus the logistics necessary to land a helicopter to respond to environmental emergencies.

The fourth aspect on which we have concentrated our efforts is in the area of health. In order to support the work of medical and support personnel fighting to contain the spread of COVID-19, Drummond delivered more than 3,000 units of supplies to the Secretaries of Health in seven municipalities in Cesar and Magdalena. The supplies delivered consisted of No. 95 masks, medical uniforms, gloves, face shields, and antibacterial gel that will protect medical and support personnel who are responding to the health emergency in those Departments.

“Pursuing the well-being of our communities has always been in our DNA, ever since we began operations in Colombia. That’s why all our efforts in the framework of the COVID-19 emergency are in line with our corporate social responsibility strategy, and contribute to meeting Sustainable Development Goals 2, 8 and 17,” stated the President of Drummond, Jose Miguel Linares.

We know that this is a very difficult time for the entire country, for its citizens, for its business people, and for its leaders. With this program to provide aid in response to the COVID-19 emergency, we reiterate that Colombians can be certain that they can count on Drummond Ltd. Out of our experience, knowledge, and possibilities, we are making a contribution that will help us all get through this together.