Drummond will partially restart its mining operations

La Loma, April 8, 2020

Drummond would like to inform that this Friday, April 10, it will be increasing activities at its mining operations in Cesar from their reduced stage when the contingency plan was implemented on March 24. The company is acting in accordance with the provisions of decree 457 issued by the Colombian National Government on March 22, 2020, as mining is considered an essential activity for the development of the country.

As it is public knowledge, the Company made a significant reduction in its mining operations on March 24, down to a very small number of workers to guarantee the maintenance, conservation of our mines and loading of trains. n this contingency period, the Company made use of article 140 of the Labor Code, that is, wages without service provision for those workers not included in that contingency plan. In turn, most people in administrative positions continue to work remotely.

That is why, to continue contributing to the development of the country, our region, our workers and their families, it is essential to gradually resume our operations under the strictest biosecurity controls and with the active participation and self-care of our workers.

With that in mind, the team that will start operating on Friday includes two shifts of around 400 workers, all residents of the municipalities in the area of ​​influence, namely: El Paso, La Jagua de Ibirico, Agustín Codazzi, Becerril and Chiriguaná. Likewise, the staff who have been working during the contingency and who are staying at our facilities will continue to work as part of this reduced operation. Prior to the start of operations, we will carry out the pertinent medical review for all working personnel.

As suggested by municipal administrations, and as a preventive measure against coronavirus (COVID-19), the meeting points to collect employees will be:

  • Codazzi: Parque La Guitarra
  • Becerril: Plazoleta Rozo Machado lateral side
  • La Jagua de Ibirico: Transport Terminal
  • La Loma: Copetran Parking
  • Chiriguaná: Fair Coliseum

At these sites there will be people designated to ensure that the safety protocols regarding the taking of the transport service are followed.

Some of the measures that will be implemented throughout the operation are:

  • No foreign personnel.
  • Special protocols for the transportation of employees:
    • Occupation of only 50% as defined by the Government.
    • Shipment in one place with specific bio-security protocols.
  • Mandatory use of all the required bio-security elements.
  • Systematic disinfection of all places and equipment for transit and use, according to protocols of the World Health Organization.
  • Antibacterial stations in all operations.
  • Social distancing throughout the operation.

Additionally, it is very important to reiterate that the company has implemented all the recommendations of the World Health Organization and the National Government. To date, no case of COVID-19 has been reported in employees or contractors.

The company’s rail and port operations will continue to operate as they have been doing. It is key to take into account that coal serves to produce the energy that is vital for many families who care for their patients at home and in hospitals.

Drummond Ltd. reiterates its commitment to work tirelessly for the collective welfare, and invites the community to know, observe and abide by the preventive measures dictated by the National Government, so that together, working as a team we can continue through this critical situation.