Drummond’s partial operations do not have foreign staff

La Loma, April 12, 2020

There are unscrupulous people who are circulating rumors that there are plans to bring foreign personnel to work in the mines. Those versions are false.

The employees who began to cover work shifts on April 10, and who come and go from the towns in the area of ​​influence on a daily basis, are residents of those same towns.

We remind the public that mining is one of the activities that the National Government has identified as essential for the development of the region and the country and, therefore, it is permitted.

Likewise, we call on the authorities to enforce the right of people to work, and to protect the physical integrity of our employees and contractors, as dictated by current regulations.

Finally, we reiterate that the company has implemented all the recommendations of the World Health Organization, of the declaration of a health emergency by the National Government, and the corresponding decrees. In the controls carried out to date, no cases of COVID-19 have been detected in employees or contractors.