Drummond Employee Tested Positive for Covid-19

La Loma, Cesar, May 20, 2020

After carrying out laboratory tests, we report that one of our employees, a truck operator from the El Descanso mine who is from and resides in the municipality of Chiriguaná, received a positive diagnosis on May 19 for COVID-19.

Our employee presented the symptoms on May 14 and was immediately isolated, as per the protocols the company established. Currently he is hospitalized in the city of Valledupar, and his condition is stable.

As soon as we learned of this result, we have been carrying out the epidemiological fencing, so that we can identify all the people with whom the employee may have had contact, including coworkers and family members. These people will be placed in confinement while laboratory tests are performed, as per the protocol established by the company and the municipal, departmental and national health authorities We hope to have the results of the tests by Monday, May 25.

All actions by the company in dealing with this case have been undertaken in coordination with the Health authorities of the municipalities of the area of ​​influence and the department of Cesar. The medical team in charge of our worker has kept his family and the company informed about the evolution of his health status. Likewise, Drummond will continue to report about the progress and the measures taken in this case.

Throughout this crisis, Drummond has supported the health needs of our employees and their families with the medical care offered by our comprehensive health policy. It includes medical accompaniment, diagnostic tests for those who present symptoms inherent to the virus, telephone monitoring of those who may be hospitalized and their family members, and the permanent review of the national healthcare network, to define and communicate which health providers remain active.

Drummond has implemented in its operations the biosecurity measures ordered by the National Government, according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), since before the issuance of the state of health emergency.

Some of the measures taken include:

  • Training for health personnel.
  • Reinforcement of biosafety protocols for personnel who provide professional health service in the company.
  • Provision of prevention and self-care information to employees regarding COVID19.
  • Reduction of the occupancy capacity of the buses to 50% and specific biosecurity controls.
  • Implementation of diagnostic routines (respiratory questionnaire, temperature taking at the beginning and end of work shifts, preventive isolation of people with respiratory symptoms or temperatures above 37.3 ° C.)
  • Social distancing throughout the operation.
  • Hygiene and disinfection protocols in buses, offices, equipment cabins, dining rooms and rooms.
  • Permanent disinfection of all places and equipment (dispensers with antibacterial gel and alcohol were installed on buses and all places in the Company according to the cleaning and disinfection protocol).
  • Supply and mandatory use of personal protection elements (PPE) in all our locations, as well as delivery of biosafety kits to our employees.
  • Control of measures for taking food in our dining rooms. Packaged food and limited occupation of the dining rooms. Packed food and limited occupancy of the canteens.
  • Option of working remotely or development of work in camp.
  • Restriction of entry to the mining complex of foreign personnel, visitors and suppliers.
  • Activation of the communications plan on preventive measures; permanent control and supervision of the COVID-19 protocol.

The protocol that the company constantly reviews and updates can be found at the following address: https://www.drummondltd.com/wp-content/uploads/3.-Programa-Gestion-COVID_19-V3.pdf.

Likewise, we insist on the importance of complying with all the biosecurity provisions and protocols decreed by the national government, as well as those published by the departmental and municipal administrations. Contributing to prevent the spread of the virus is the obligation of employees, contractors, family members and communities.