Drummond Ltd. launched a new program to strengthen the productive capabilities of its area of influence: ‘Proyéctate +’

La Loma, May 17, 2024

*Opening event of the Proyéctate + program.

Reaffirming its social responsibility policy, Drummond Ltd. launched the ‘Proyéctate +’ program, designed to strengthen capabilities in the formulation, structuring, and management of association projects in the municipalities of La Jagua de Ibirico, El Paso, and Chiriguaná.

“In alliance with our operator, Fundación Instituto Bartolomé de las Casas (INUBAC), we seek to strengthen the capabilities of local producers and associations to promote productive diversification and economic growth in our mining corridor,” said Ever Carrillo Navarro, corporate social responsibility coordinator for Drummond Ltd.

The main objective of the program is to provide support and open opportunities for associations from the different productive sectors in the company’s area of influence.

The opening of the event was held in La Jagua de Ibirico, where the selected associations learned about the program’s schedules, methodologies, and strategies, followed by the first training session.

It should be noted that the continuous training will be held in the municipalities where each association resides, facilitating the attendance of its members.

“We thank Drummond for including us in this call to strengthen our partnership. We know that this program will provide us with knowledge that we can replicate in the municipality and contribute to the community’s development,” said César Aguilar Centeno, representative of the Association of Agricultural and Livestock Producers of Cesar (ASPRACES).

In this way, Drummond Ltd. ratifies its commitment to the development of the region, providing economic growth opportunities for the communities in its area of influence.