Drummond Ltd. promotes entrepreneurs in the mining corridor with the delivery of supplies, tools, and equipment

La Loma, November 21, 2023

* Delivery of supplies to participant of the Entrepreneurship Incubator project.

As part of the Entrepreneurship Incubator project, which implements the Business Incubation and Development Model (MIDE), Drummond Ltd. delivered supplies, tools, and equipment to 16 business units in the mining corridor.

“With this entrepreneurial business model, Drummond made the materialization of the capitalization processes a reality in the business plans that were co-constructed with the different ventures of the mining corridor, to seek their economic sustainability,” explained Ever Carrillo Navarro, coordinator of social and environmental projects for Drummond Ltd.

The objective of these deliveries, which were varied according to the focus of each entrepreneurship venture, is to continue promoting and contributing to the productive diversification of the mining corridor. In the case of Cristina Troncoso, one of the participants, she received a semi-professional camera and a computer, which will allow her to strengthen her productive unit.

*Cristina Troncoso received a semi-professional camera and a computer

“I thank Drummond for all this help they gave me because they have encouraged me to grow and be able to increase my working capacity, even to expand my portfolio of services, which includes photography, video editing, and social media management, since previously I could not do this as my equipment did not have the capacity,” said Cristina.

This project, which is part of the social investment plan of the coal exploration and exploitation company, has comprehensive support for the entrepreneur, including training, advice, and co-financing of the business plan.

*Delivery of equipment to participant of the Entrepreneurship Incubator project.

“I am very grateful to the Drummond Entrepreneurship Incubator project for its great contribution. Its financial support benefits me significantly in the execution of my venture,” declared Lina Santofimio, who benefited from the delivery of 90 meters of fabric, two sewing machines (one flat and one simple), and a filleting machine, among others supplies for her clothing business “Doleama”.

Since 2020, Drummond has invested more than 2.8 billion pesos in these projects, with which it hopes to continue contributing to the sustainable development of its area of influence.