Drummond Ltd. opened its doors for the Mar Caribe de Cienaga Fishermen Federation

Cienaga, October 2, 2023

* Drummond Ltd. employees and fishermen from Cienaga on the dock at Drummond Port.

Once again, Drummond Ltd. reaffirms its commitment with its stakeholders, which is why it held a meeting at its port facilities with members of the Mar Caribe Fishermen Federation, to whom it showed its coal collection and export processes, the environmental measures it implements, and the social actions it develops at its mining, railroad, and port areas of influence.

“The object of this visit is to maintain a proper relationship with the company’s various stakeholders through the direct knowledge that these communities can obtain of our port operations, as well as the environmental management measures that we conduct to preserve and protect the natural wealth inside and outside the Port. This is also an opportunity for the company to strengthen our friendship and the permanent communication we have with these communities”, explained John Encinales, environmental projects engineer at Drummond Port.

During the visit, more than 30 fishermen representing 7 of the 15 associations that are part of the Federation took a walk-through Drummond’s maritime terminal. From the Patio’s lookout point they were able to appreciate how the coal is classified, how trains are unloaded into the different wagon turners, and the conveyor belt system.

Next, they visited the direct loading dock and finished the tour at the fresh water reservoir, where they observed the ecosystem in which plant and animal species typical of the area come together, in addition to the coexistence between the operation and the environment.

*Socialization of the processes conducted by the company to the fishermen.

“They work with impressive control, mitigating the environmental impact, and that is something that generates confidence among everyone, because it’s true that maybe we all had other expectations from the company. For this reason, I thank the company for the opportunity to see their facilities,” said Yair Avila Arevalo, legal representative of the Mar Caribe Federation.

It is worth mentioning that different actions have been developed with this fishing community to strengthen their training and formalization, providing knowledge in technical diagnoses, formulation of business plans, and capitalization, among other actions. Recently, the company delivered 40 HP outboard motors and fishing tackle to the 15 fishing associations that make up the Mar Caribe Federation in Cienaga.

With these visits, Drummond Ltd. continues to strengthen its ‘Good Neighbor’ Policy and strengthen its relationship with its communities.