The IX Drummond Dialogues on Human Rights Management were held with more than 100 contractors and suppliers

Santa Marta, October 13, 2023

  • In five tables that addressed different topics, contractors and suppliers made suggestions on how to improve the process of identifying and managing risks related to Human Rights (HR).
  • In previous dialogues with stakeholders such as employees and communities, recommendations have been made to improve the company’s Human Rights work.

With the objective of sharing the company’s decisions and considerations in the 2022 Drummond Dialogues on Human Rights, and learning the contractors and suppliers’ perspectives regarding the company’s work on this matter and the identified risks, the ninth version of the Drummond Dialogues on Human Rights was held in Santa Marta.

“One of the pillars of our corporate sustainability strategy is Peace and Human Rights. In this sense, at Drummond we are committed to respecting and promoting the Human Rights of our communities, employees, suppliers, and – in general – all stakeholders. These Dialogues with contractors are fundamental in formulating recommendations to improve our work as a company,” indicated Pablo Urrutia, Vice President of Public Affairs and Communications for Drummond Ltd.

During the meeting, attended by more than 100 people, the topics addressed included physical security, relationships with contractors and suppliers, reinforcement of the main concepts of Drummond’s Human Rights Policy (in addition to risk sources and management measures), the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP), the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights, as well as community and government relations.

One of the attendees, Constanza Camargo, Administrative Vice President for Relianz, stated: “I am very happy to have participated in this 9th Human Rights meeting between Drummond and contractors. Without a doubt, it is a space to strengthen all the efforts made in this matter by all the companies that serve the mining sector in relation to employees, contractors, communities, and other related parties. It is wonderful to listen how we are all tuned in and advancing in this area every day within a framework of sustainability for all our stakeholders” she indicated.

For Paola Guzman, Communications and CSR Chief for Expreso Brasilia, “it is very valuable for suppliers and contractors to have a space to be heard and where they can be involved in such an important topic as are Human Rights. Not all companies worry about socializing their policy and continuous improvement”, she stated.

“These Dialogues are held under the premise that Drummond analyzes all ideas, and gives feedback on those that can be implemented and their results, as well as those that cannot. This dialogue makes us continue to improve our performance, in addition to a strict monitoring of the United Nations Guiding Principles on business and Human Rights, and the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights,” concluded Pablo Urrutia.