¡Llegó el futuro a Puerto Drummond! El buque TR Lady, impulsado por el viento, marca un hito en la sostenibilidad marítima. ¡Lee más sobre esta revolución ecológica!

Cienaga, October 17, 2023

* Maritime transport advances towards the goal of sustainability with the TR Lady vessel.

The vessel, positioned as a leader in the transition towards maritime transport without carbon emissions, due to its Flettner rotors – wind drive system -, entered the country for the first time to load about 73,130 MT (metric tons) of coal destined for Chile.

As explained by Frigate Lieutenant Zaidi Carolina Bedoya Rodriguez, responsible for the middle merchant area of the Santa Marta Harbor Master’s Office, and who accompanied the first docking of the TR Lady vessel in the country: “It is the first time that a vessel of this type has arrived at a Colombian Port, in addition to being the second port that it has visited since its construction. This type of vessel is of worldwide importance due the technology it uses. This helps shipping companies reduce energy and fuel and positively impacts the atmosphere and the environment”.

Its operation allows it to achieve a 10% reduction and saving in CO2 emissions, since it enhances wind-assisted propulsion through three rotor sails, which generate an impulse when they move. This represents reduced emissions into the atmosphere and a significant reduction in fuel consumption in the same vessel.

On the other hand, Jose Luis Velasquez, operations manager at Drummond Port said: “Cargill, the ship-owner, has trusted Drummond Port’s abilities, our efficiency, to load this vessel. In this way, we contribute even more to the efforts we make to have a completely environmentally friendly operation, reducing with this type of vessels, both our carbon footprint and CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. Today we are proud to have this vessel here with us”.

With this operating system, the new vessels aim towards innovation and sustainability, also contributing to the sustainable actions that Drummond implements in its mining and port operations.