With delivery of new furniture, Drummond Ltd. promotes spaces for quality education in Becerril

La Loma, September 26, 2023

*Students of the Villa Matilde Education Center, El Centro campus, accompanied by Yilda Tatiana Pineda, Drummond Ltd community relations senior supervisor.

Within the framework of its social commitment, and to contribute to quality education, Drummond Ltd. delivered furniture to the Villa Matilde Education Center, El Centro Campus, located in the township of La Guajirita, municipality of Becerril, Cesar.

The delivery, which comprised an investment of more than 40 million pesos, included tables and chairs for preschool, primary, and secondary workplaces, as well as blackboards, and an ecological spot, among others.

*A before and after of the furniture’s delivery.

“Drummond remains committed with the territory, building local capabilities with its communities in the area of influence. In this way, this contribution that improves teaching and learning conditions is significant for the company,” said Alberto Tolosa, community relations coordinator at Drummond Ltd.

With this contribution, the mining company benefits more than 70 children in the area, which is part of its direct area of influence.

“I am grateful to God and to Drummond who has given us this opportunity to enjoy seeing this dream come true. The children are benefiting from the furniture that the company has donated,” said Marinela Peinado, teacher at the Villa Matilde Educational Center, El Centro Campus.

On the other hand, Yeris Orozco, mother of one of the students, showed her gratitude with the company: “I am proud that Drummond has brought this blessing that benefits the students and us as part of the community.”

With this, Drummond Ltd. contributes to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal number 4, Quality Education, as part of its commitment to foster new generations.