Drummond Ltd. and contractors join forces in the search for interdependence in industrial safety

Cienaga, September 15, 2023

*Leaders of contracting companies socialize their good practices and commitments to continue improving their companies’ safety and health.

Drummond Ltd. conducted the fifth version of the Senior Management Work Day for its Transport Department contracting companies, attended by more than 40 contracting companies that provide their services at this location. The objective of the event was to review their performance, good practices, and challenges in matters of safety to continue moving towards the goal of zero accidents and interdependence that the company set for itself for 2026.

“Safety actions are not numbers, safety is people, it’s lives. So, we must work on that part of taking care of people, because we have the moral responsibility for the people who arrive at our facilities to return home safe and sound,” said Oscar Vega, Industrial Safety Manager at Drummond Ltd. Colombia., who left a message for contractors regarding safety values.

As an introduction to the day, Drummond Ltd. announced other topics of interest associated with health, such as the environment and sustainability, relevant to strengthening the well-being of employees, organizational culture, and the relationship with its different stakeholders.

Later, the Industrial Safety Director for the Transportation Department, Johnny Guerrero, focused on explaining the results of the 2022 culture measurement, applied by external advisory company Dss+, in which Drummond surpassed its position in relation to 2017, positioning itself in the independence zone. He also announced graphically showed the results of programs with task observations, RUC analysis, and other trends in industrial safety, among other actions that strengthen the company’s culture.

The space was also conducive for contracting companies, through their managers and leaders, to review their safety performance together with Drummond Ltd.’s directives, the strategic plans executed, opportunities for improvement, good practices in matters of empowerment, recognition and safety programs outside of work, while establishing commitments and challenges to work together towards the path of interdependence in terms of industrial safety.

“I consider that all the strategies and lessons learned that were shared will be an integral part, not only of the strategic industrial safety program for this last quarter of 2023, but also for what is coming in 2024 and why not, until 2026 when we reach interdependence,” said Johnny Guerrero at the end of the day, Industrial Safety Director for Drummond Ltd.’s Transportation Department.

During the event, the work and commitment of the first 10 contracting companies was recognized, which, in the time they have been providing their services, have had no reported accidents. These companies were: Duramos Logística Integral, Expreso Brasilia, Neumática del Caribe S.A., Indutrónica, OPL, SOLTEV, Confipetrol, Jovega Ingeniería S.A.S., Veolia, and Vibratech S.A.S.

“We are convinced that this type of meeting helps us improve as a company, to know the statistics that Drummond has on safety issues that are like a thermometer for us, to be able to identify the areas in which we must improve and in which “We are fine,” said Jorgelis Brito Flórez, representative for the contractor Vibratech S.AS.

For Drummond Ltd., to offer these types of spaces is part of its commitment to the safety of its employees and contractors, to continue moving forward in Culture and Safety within its operations.