With the delivery of an ambulance, Drummond strengthens medical services in the community of Cordobita in Ciénaga

Ciénaga, August 11, 2023

*Personnel from the Hospital and the community of Cordobita, accompanied by members of Drummond Ltd.’s Communities and Occupational Health Team during the ceremony to deliver the ambulance for basic service at the San Cristóbal Hospital in Ciénaga.

As part of its commitment to generate a positive impact and the wellbeing of the communities in its area of influence, Drummond Ltd., officially delivered an ambulance to the San Cristóbal Hospital in Ciénaga, which will serve to optimize the pre-hospitalization attention service for the villages near the Health Center located in the township of Cordobita.

“On behalf of the E.S.E Hospital San Cristóbal, thank you for this important contribution; we will make the best use of this ambulance. It will be in service here at the Health Center, 24 hours a day, ready for any necessity and any event that may occur”, stated Lorena Cassalet Arrieta, scientific sub-manager for the San Cristóbal Hospital.

During the delivery ceremony, conducted at the company’s port installations, Dr. José Rafael Guerra, manager for Drummond’s occupational health area, was present and emphasized that it is not only enough to have good equipment to provide the service, but also to have the adequate human talent to attend any medical emergency before the patient arrives at the health establishment. Based on this, he proposed an initiative to carry out first aid training for people in the community so they know how to act in any emergency.

Likewise, the president of the Community Action Board for the township of Cordobita, Fabián Aguirre, was extremely thankful with the Company and made a statement on behalf of his community: “Glory to God, Drummond heard these words, these needs that we, as a community, have. A contribution is being made to the community, initially with this ambulance that is going to provide some relief to this fractured health system, not only in the municipality, but across Colombia”.

With this, Drummond also contributes to strengthening the operational and response capabilities of the San Cristóbal Hospital in Ciénaga so the health center may use it and care for it in benefit of the community.

Also, Drummond Ltd.’s Communities and Government Vice-President, Alfredo Araujo Castro, expressed that: “The commitment that the Company has with this community is integral. For this reason, we are not only delivering a fully supplied ambulance, but we will work with the community to consolidate a first-aid team that is adequately trained so they can respond to any event that occurs in the township on a timely manner. We will also continue to strengthen the health sector through future investments”.

This contribution adds to Drummond’s Corporate Social Responsibility pillar, Governance for Development, to strengthen the local capabilities and supplies for greater efficiency in planning and public management.