Drummond Ltd. receives a visit at the mining operations from officials from Agustin Codazzi and Chiriguana, Cesar

La Loma, April 13, 2023

*Officials from Agustin Codazzi at the Duramos tire processing plant.

As part of its strategy for engagement and communication with the communities and local authorities in its area of influence, Drummond Ltd. encourages visits to its mining and port operations to educate the public about its responsible mining.

In March, the company received visits from the municipal council of Chiriguana and Agustin Codazzi, accompanied by officials from the mayor’s office and the municipal ombudsman.

“We use our training and communication program to extend invitations to visit the mining and port operations. We received visits from the municipal councils of Chiriguana and Agustin Codazzi and were able to show them our responsible mining processes. It’s a good way to open up arenas for conversation and build relationships and trust with our stakeholders,” indicated Yilda Tatiana Pineda, senior supervisor of community relations at Drummond Ltd. in Cesar.

The council members and other officials from the regional institution thanked Drummond for the invitation, recognizing the mining company’s contributions to the region’s development.

“We are very grateful to Drummond for inviting us to their facilities to learn about everything related to the mining operations and the work they are doing with the communities. They have been great hosts and have given us lots of information,” said Luis David Villegas, president of the municipal council of Chiriguana.

The tour highlighted the importance of maintaining good relations with municipal governments in order to continue working together in favor of the progress of local residents.

“We are happy with the different sessions they’ve organized to give us information about responsible mining. I’m leaving here with the desire to continue to participate in these important events and to replicate the information in my town and its neighborhoods,” commented Rodolfo Tafur Buelvas, council member in Agustin Codazzi.