Drummond Ltd., continues to drive social development of the fishing communities in Don Jaca, Santa Marta

Ciénaga, November 10th of 2022

* Fishermen benefiting from the delivery of engines Yamaha and Mercury in Don Jaca, Santa Marta.

Drummond Ltd. continues to reaffirm, through its social responsibility pillar, its commitment to the development of the communities in its area of influence. For this reason, the company, with the approval of the National Aquaculture and Fishing Authority (AUNAP), and with the operator of the project being the Fundación Vida Natural (FUNDAVINAT), delivered four Yamaha motorboat engines to artisan fishermen of the Don Jaca Fishermen Association and Service Providers (ASPEJACA) in Santa Marta, Magdalena.

This delivery is part of a social strengthening project for the artisan fishing communities in the township of Don Jaca, which Drummond has been executing for several years, with the objective of optimizing the fishing productivity in the area, benefiting the fishing families in the communities of Drummond Port’s operational area.

Hilda María González, Fishing Engineer, and Coordinator for the Strengthening Project for FUNDAVINAT, was one of the representatives that was part of the delivery of supplies to the artisan fishermen. “

This is an important help for the fishing activity in the community of ASPEJACA. Engines are an important and essential implement as they allow fishermen to gain greater autonomy. Each element has a life cycle, and by delivering new engines, they are going to extend the life of their activity, increasing productivity, resulting in the wellbeing of their families”.

Likewise, Edinael Rodríguez, a 47-year-old fisherman who has been carrying out this activity for 23 years at Don Jaca, was one of the beneficiaries of the engine delivery: “At a personal level, Drummond has always collaborated, like in this occasion, strengthening a group of fishermen, improving the way in which we fish, since we did not have any engines for the motorboats. Some others didn’t even have a boat, but we are in the process. The company has always heard us, and they have been of great help. They tell us how to generate the projects, what to do, and they collaborate in that aspect”.

On the other hand, John Encinales, Environmental Project Engineer for Drummond Ltd., and who has been coordinating the delivery of the engines, together with other participating entities, spoke about Drummond’s role in the generation of social development of the fishing communities in its area of influence: “We hope these engines will be useful to improve their fishing activity. These projects are developed as part of the company’s environmental management in its port operations (…). A positive impact for the communities who received these elements, is that these are expensive equipment that their association cannot easily acquire. So, we are contributing so their activity can improve. A greater capability to travel in the marine area to fish will generate more revenues, directly benefiting those families”.

With the execution of these social strengthening projects, Drummond continues to ratify its commitment to the constant improvement of the fishing activity in its area of influence, generating a positive impact in these families’ quality of life.