More contributions to education: Drummond Ltd. presents its project for school improvements in El Paso, Cesar

La Loma, October 11, 2022

*Drummond and the Office of the Mayor of El Paso talk about their project.

As part of its commitment to contribute to the education of children in its area of influence, Drummond Ltd., with the municipal administration, shared information about the project for improvements to the Angel Martin Flores Campo School in El Paso, Cesar.

“School infrastructure in good condition is fundamental. It has a positive impact on students’ learning, and on teachers’ motivation to teach. That’s why Drummond has continued to strengthen institutional and community capacity in the area of education through projects related to infrastructure and educational quality,” stated Yilda Pineda, Senior Supervisor of Community Relations at Drummond.

The project includes remodeling five classrooms, fencing in the school property, and general improvements at the Angel Martin Flores Campo School in El Paso. Delivery of the improvements was planned for December 2022.

“We are very grateful for this contribution from the municipal administration and Drummond, because it improves the learning environment in favor of the students’ learning process,” emphasized Rafael Ochoa, Principal of the school.

Drummond is assuming the total cost of execution of the remodeling works, in an amount of close to 332 million pesos. The Office of the Mayor, in turn, is providing technical support, oversight, and follow-up on project execution.

In the last two years (2021-2022) the mining company has invested more than 840 million pesos in school infrastructure projects, including the Santa Rosa de Lima, Potrerillo, and Angel Martin Flores Campo schools.

Drummond will continue to make contributions toward the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, in this case goal number four, Quality Education, as part of its commitment to strengthen the education sector.